Cancellation & Refund Policy

Explore Qlik Biz Cancellations, Refunds, and Returns Policy

Once a customer applies for registration on our website, the process begins to set up their digital business card. At this stage, we initiate various tasks, and resources and invest time and efforts to ensure a smooth process for the customer. Due to this activity, we have created a policy that once the customer's registration is submitted and payment is received, it cannot be canceled or refunded under any circumstances.

There are several reasons behind this policy. The registration process starts, it involves administrative work such as data entry, documentation, and record-keeping.

Our team may begin the process of creating digital business card, setting up software systems, and start printing hard copies of digital business card. Once the customer has gained access to the digital platform, it is not possible for us to retrieve the customer's information.

Hence, providing a refund or cancellation option would undermine the value of our service and the investment we have made in delivering it.There are only digital or virtual services on our website.

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